Local author Mirabai Bekowies will read, sign books, and answer your questions. Bookshop Benicia may be here to sell copies of her debut novel, March Rains.
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Inspired by the book “Nana the Great Goes Camping” by Lisa T. Bergren, we will have an afternoon “campout” at the library Tuesday, July 16 at 2:30PM.Bring the entire family for games, crafts, and, of course, S’MORES! The first 15 families will
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On November 21 we'll host our final teen movie of the Teen Movie Series, this one from the 2020s: Love and Monsters. Snacks will be provided! This event is for teens.
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Registration for this event has closed. If you registered but have not yet received confirmation or documents about the program, please email jbaker@ci.benicia.ca.us.
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Join us at the fireplace for Cuddle Club! Are you stressed, tired, lethargic? Maybe you just need a cuddle. Dogs will be on hand to provide unconditional affection and patience. Some might even be looking for their forever home!
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Meetings are the fourth Tuesday of each month, 12-1:15PM.Some theme cookbooks are available at the bottom of our Holds Shelf, underneath the "Z" area, if you need selection help. Check here for the current theme.
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HOORAY! It's a Bluey Party! Come to the party of the summer and enjoy some special treats and fun! Shadowland Cupcakes anyone?! This event is for kids.
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The Carquinez Village is offering an additional educational speaker this month at BPL (co-sponsor). The featured speaker is Mr. Josh Dean, a Senior Systems Engineer for Arctic Slope Regional Corporation (ASRC) where he specializes in Cybersecurity
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