SOLANO HOTEL (1850S-1944)

Many legislators resided at the hotel during the months when Benicia was the state's capitol. The register included the names of such famous persons a Ulysses S. Grant, William Tecumseh Sherman, John A. Sutter, Governor Riley, Colonel Silas Cases (the Indian fighter), F. L. Low (one of California's governors), Judge Hastings of Hastings Law School fame and many others. Fire razed the hotel in 1945. This site is an example of the mutable nature of Old Town. The second story of the building you see today was moved to this site in 2000. It was previously the second story of Jurgensen's Saloon (1892) which was located down First Street north of the Southern Pacific Train Depot. A frequent customer at the Jurgensen's Saloon was the world famous author, Jack London.

This project was made possible by the Benicia Public Library, the Benicia Historical Museum, and the Benicia Historical Society through a NorthNet Library System Grant.