Rules of Conduct
Because the Benicia Public Library is used by hundreds of people every day, it is important to have a clear, common understanding of appropriate behavior in the Library. The Board of Library Trustees of the Benicia Public Library has established the following Rules of Conduct for the comfort and protection of all who use and work in the Library. The Library staff will firmly and courteously enforce these Rules.
The essential behavior while using the Benicia Public Library is to be considerate of others. The Library staff will make every effort to maintain an environment that maximizes each patron's use and enjoyment of Library services. We ask your cooperation in maintaining an environment conducive to enjoyable use of the Library for all.
Adopted: April 26, 1993
Revised: January 8, 2001
Revised: September 13, 2004
Revised: July 10, 2006
Maintaining an Environment Conducive to Library Use
Any behavior that interferes with another person's ability to use the Library is prohibited.
- This may include, but is not limited to: soliciting, begging, selling, sleeping, talking loudly or otherwise vocalizing in a manner that disturbs other people, receiving and/or making telephone calls on a mobile phone in a manner that disturbs people, using personal listening devices or pagers that disturbs others, running, game playing that disturbs others, lying on the floor, and transmitting overpowering, offensive, and/or obnoxious odors.
- Food of any kind can damage materials and furnishings and may not be brought into the Library.
- All beverages must be covered.
- Damage, destruction, or theft of Library materials or property is not permitted.
- Harassment, verbal abuse, threats, fighting, or repeated unwelcome advances towards other persons are prohibited.
- Conducting any type of business for personal gain or any service for a fee is prohibited. The solicitation of signatures or contributions for non-commercial or nonprofit purposes shall be permitted outside the Library only.
- Using public restrooms for bathing and/or laundry or other public areas for personal grooming is not allowed.
- Bringing animals into the Library other than those assisting the disabled, is prohibited.
- Smoking is prohibited by law.
The City Librarian and his/her designated staff are authorized to interpret these rules in accordance with applicable law and to ensure appropriate behavior of all persons in the Library facilities. Individuals who fail to comply with these rules may be suspended from using the Library for thirty (30) days or more, and/or subject to arrest and prosecution.
Maintaining a Safe Library Environment
In the interest of safety, any behavior that is dangerous to a person or property is not permitted.
- Children under the age of 6 must be attended by a parent or authorized adult at all times.
- Shoes and shirt must be worn while on Library premises.
- Bicycles, shopping carts, skateboards, skates, rollerblades, scooters, or similar bulky articles may not be brought in to the building, including the foyer, with the exception of baby strollers and those articles necessary to assist individuals with disabilities.
- Skateboards, skates, rollerblades, scooters, and similar items may be left in a designated area, but the Library is not responsible for those items.
- Bicycle racks are available for public use outside the Library's entrance.
- Swinging or standing on furniture or structures or placing small children on tables or counters is hazardous to the individual and to the property, and therefore is not allowed.
Adopted: April 26, 1993
Revised: January 8, 2001
Revised: September 13, 2004
Revised: July 10, 2006