Art Gallery Committee

The Art Gallery Advisory Committee, a subcommittee of the Board of Library Trustees, meets on the third Monday of the month, excluding June, July, August, and December, at 6:30 p.m. in the Edna Clyne Room of the Library. The Committee is responsible for selecting and scheduling all art or exhibits for display in the Art Gallery, determining the appropriateness of the quality and content of all works.
The Committee issues the "call for artists" and assists in publicizing the Art Gallery's policies and procedures, in addition to recommending changes to policies and procedures. As a member of the Committee, you will observe an array of artistic works in various media, by local and regional artists, with the opportunity to experience the art in a personal and gratifying way.
If you are interested in joining this committee, please send a message via our Contact Us form and you will be notified when there is an opening.