Homebound Books
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Homebound Books provides a delivery service to residents of Benicia who are unable to visit the Benicia Public Library.
- Deliveries are provided once a month, on the second Wednesday, from 5-8PM.
- The deadline to make your request is the FIRST of the month, at 10AM.
- 5 items maximum can be checked out on your library card.
- Previous items need to be ready to be picked up the day of next delivery.
- No overdue fines. However, damaged items will be charged the original price of the item.
- Delivery and pick up at the door only.
Fill out the form below and click submit or print it out and mail it to the library at 150 East L Street, Benicia CA 94510.
For questions, please contact Amber via email or phone at 707-746-4357.