Helping Monarchs and Other Pollinators Thrive!
In 2023 the Benicia Public Library received a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered in California by the State Librarian.
The grant funded climate and sustainability related community-driven programming. The purpose of these grants is to fund services, programming, and educational opportunities focused on sustainability and climate resilience. In Benicia these grants have funded the creation of the Tool Library and established and maintains our Pollinator Support Garden.
Native plants cultivated in this space were specifically chosen for properties that support monarch caterpillars and butterflies as well as other insect and bird pollinators. The Library partnered with the Monarch Milkweed Project (MMP) to create and maintain the garden space. MMP is a local non-profit dedicated to helping monarch populations thrive in our community and beyond.
More information about the plants you will find in this space and how you can use them in your own outdoor spaces to support local pollinators will be coming soon!