Local Jobs
Benicia Library Jobs
If there are jobs available, they will be listed on the above website.
City of Benicia Jobs
If there are jobs available, they will be listed on the above website.
Jobs within Solano County
Job Openings in Solano County
Check online or there is a JOB BINDER available at Customer Service Desk that is updated daily.
Jobs Nationwide
Reference Solutions (previously Reference USA)
U.S. Jobs/Internships - Search for jobs and internships nationwide by job title and location. Must have a Benicia Library Card.
Job announcements, company reviews, salaries, and interview questions shared by employee.
Opportunity Knocks
Resource for nonprofit jobs and employment opportunities. Job seekers can search a database of available nonprofit jobs online.
Simply Hired
Search by category or keyword
Upwardly Global
Jobs for skilled and educated immigrants.
Training and coaching to get a job in the United States.
Job Scams
Federal Trade Commission Consumer Information on Job Scams

Scammers know that finding a job can be tough. To trick people looking for honest work, scammers advertise where real employers and job placement firms do. They also make upbeat promises about your chances of employment, and virtually all of them ask you to pay them for their services before you get a job. But the promise of a job isn’t the same thing as a job. If you have to pay for the promise, it’s likely a scam.
Job Help
- Log in with library card #
- You may be asked to create your own account.
- Always start here to access free help with Job Help
Job and Career Accelerator
This database will help you create a resume and cover letter; learn which occupations are great matches for you based on your skills and interests; offset the cost of graduate school tuition with scholarships; help you transition as a veteran into a civilian occupation. Available through funding and administered from the California State Library until September 30, 2024.
Got Resume Builder
Customizable resume templates, assisted resume writing, manage multiple resumes, organize resume sections, multiple download formats, share resume online, FAQs and tutorials.
Learning Express
Prepare for a career exam, explore occupations, and improve your workplace skills here. Build Resumes, look for jobs, prepare of an interview Available through funding and administered from the California State Library until September 30, 2024. Tutorials
LearningExpress en Español
My Next Move
This interactive tool goes hand-in-hand with O*NET Online below. Use it first to determine your interests and skills. Take a two minute survey to determine your interests. Then go to O*NET's browse by interests, select your top interest category then on the next page add the other two top interest categories and take a look at the list of careers that come up.
O*NET Online
The Occupational Information Network (O*NET) is maintained by the US Department of Labor. It features information on over 900 occupations. Find out which job fits your interests and skills. Explore careers and the labor market and learn about what a career field is really like.
Access real salary data by city and state so you can negotiate wisely or explore high-paying jobs. Salaries are for the current year.
Virtual Interview Tips
If you're preparing for a virtual interview, you need some specific video interview tips. Here are six guidelines for a virtual interview provided by Purdue Global University.
Career One Stop
Explore careers, find training and jobs.
- Downloadable eBooks and Audio Books on Careers.
California Unemployment Insurance
- Links for the application and very helpful instructions. You have to read all of the instructions before you can access to the application.
Fill out a questionnaire to determine which federal benefits you are eligible for. Their mission is to increase citizen access to benefit information, while reducing the expense and difficulty of interacting with the government.
Unemployment Benefits Calculator
Calculate your weekly unemployment benefits by state.
Volunteer Opportunities in Person and Virtually
Volunteer Match
A large volunteer platform. You can filter your search by location, interest, or organization.
Become a City of Benicia Volunteer! Sign up to become one of our valued City volunteers with the Helper Helper App. After registering, select your areas of interest, and someone from the appropriate department will contact you shortly.
Youth Service America
A group focused on helping young people get involved in their communities, has resources for kids of all ages on its site, and a section focused on assisting others during the pandemic.
All For Good
All for Good is a digital volunteer hub and part of the international nonprofit organization Points of Light. It has a robust website with many resources to connect people with virtual and in-person volunteer opportunities.
More volunteer opportunities
Volunteer at the Library
If you are an adult who can regularly volunteer time, at least 2 hours a week on a regular basis for a minimum of 3 months, visit the page for Library Volunteers.