Outside by the fountain. 5th-8th grade If you came last year, you know exactly what this will be like! If not: you'll get candy ingredients to make into "sushi". It's fun.AudienceKidsTeens
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Preschool - 4th grade
You might remember Grace the Fairy's show online during the worst of the pandemic. We're so glad to welcome her in an in-person show!
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Tuesday, August 15, 2023 - 7 to 8pm
Karen Phillips is the author of A Deadly Combo which is a story about sisters Rocky and Bridget who are on vacation at a trailerfest when they stumble over a corpse. Find out what happens to Rocky and Bridget
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Every third Saturday of the month.Brought to you by ARPA funds from Solano County. Sponsored by the Benicia Public Library and Food is Free Bay Area.
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Wednesday, August 23, 2023 - 7 to 8pm
Nikki Basch Davis, Benicia artist and author, will discuss her powerful memoir, The Second Scar.
The event is co-sponsored by The Benicia Public Library, Book Shop Benicia, Benicia Literary Arts, Hadassah and
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