OneCard Student IDs
Students (K-12) attending Benicia public schools are able to use their Student IDs to check out items.

OneCard Library Card Numbers
- The library card number will be BEN[Student ID Number]. For example: BEN12345
- The pin will be your birthday month and day in mmdd format. If your birthday is on January 2, your pin will be 0102.
Borrowable Formats:
A maximum of 10 items may be charged to the student ID card.
You may check out:
- Audio books
- Books
- Documentary DVDs (they will have a call number on the spine such as 362.45(D) Nova)
All other formats require a physical library card which students may have also.
You will have access to our databases too, like:
- Overdrive's downloadable eBooks and audio books
- Mango Languages where you can learn a foreign language or Shakespearean English or modern English
- Masterfile's journal and magazine articles
- Learning Express's practice tests for SAT, ACT, GED, plus school subject
- and many more...
We have databases specifically for Elementary and Middle School and High School/College.
A physical library card is required to use Discover & Go.
Your Responsibilities:
- Bring your student ID with you to check out your materials. No one else may use your student ID including parents and siblings or friends.
- Report lost or stolen cards promptly.
- Notify library of change in name, address, phone number, or email.
- Return your checked out items in a timely basis and in the condition you checked it out.
- Pay the lost or damaged fees accrued on your card.
Loans and Renewals:
- Most materials are loaned for 21 days.
- Items that can be renewed will automatically renew three days before they are due. Students will need to access their account to see which items did not renew and are due back to the library. Your items will renew twice.
- To see your loans and holds, go to the Library's catalog, , and login in the upper right hand corner. You will need your Student ID number (BEN#####), your last name and your pin (birth month and day in mmdd format) to access your account.
- A maximum of 10 items may be charged to the student ID card.
- You can use the online catalog to view your personal library record by following the directions on the screen both in the library and at home.
Fines and Fees
- Items not returned within 7 days after the due date will be converted to "lost" and an overdue notice is emailed from SPLASH headquarters.
- Patrons with charges of $50.00 or more or with lost books will not be allowed to check out more materials until overdue materials are returned and/or fines paid.
- Lost items will be billed to the patron for the price of the item.
- Damaged items will be billed according to the extent of the damage.