For Thanksgiving, the Library will close at 5PM on November 27 and reopen at 10AM on December 2.Our book drops will be open, and you can always access our digital Library!
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Benicia Literary Arts hosts an evening of focused writing time at the Benicia Library. All genres and experience levels are encouraged. Write and meet other local writers.Doors open at 6:30pm and quiet writing time at starts at 6:45pm. At 8:15pm, we
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Artist John Tullis will show his oil paintings in his "I Like What I See exhibit at the Library's Marilyn Citron O'Rourke Art Gallery from 12/11/24 to 1/16/25.
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Artist John Tullis' oil painting exhibit will be at the Library's Marilyn Citron O'Rourke Art Gallery from 12/11/24 to 1/16/25.Join his reception for "I Like What I See" on December 15, 2024, from 3-5PM.For more information on his artwork, visit his
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Instruction includes grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing, and speaking exercises. Build English skills needed for daily living. Workbook included.REGISTRATION REQUIRED.Email Bette Bogart in our literacy office: OR call
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